I just wanted to share with you the royalty of AR..
1- Omar- 130        6. Danny- 60.7
2- Jared- 125.1        7. Lukas- 36.0
3. Sam- 78.2          8. Derek- 29.6
4. Rafael-76.5        9. Maya - 29.0
 5. Melina- 61.1       10. Jake - 28.9
** The Royalty gets a prize...I will do a final check on Friday for any changes...****
You have just won $100,000 dollars in a contest. What will you do with the prize money? Please explain in 5-8 sentences.
If you could change places with anyone in the world, who would it be? Why? Describe what one day would look like?
If you had to choose one region in North America, where would you live and why? Please explain in 3-4 detailed sentences. 
If you had to choose between
**the ability to fly
**the ability to live underwater...

which would you choose? Why? 3-5 sentence explanation.